Here’s To All Women Homesteaders

This wash basin would have been treasured by a woman homesteader.

Why are historical homesteads so near and dear to my heart?  I have always felt them tug at my heart strings whenever I go visit one…….

This is where all the action happened on the homestead.

I can just see the Mom “The Matron of the Homestead” kneeling by the fire on sore knees cooking with sweat pouring down her back but she is going to feed her babies and that’s the one thing she may even be really good at.    Many of them had a lot of freedom but others did not.  This was not a glamorous life style they led each day she had many tasks to do including taking care of her little ones.  She may even have a singed apron, skirt, or sleeves from working so closely at the hearth.

After a Long Day working the farmers in this tenant house may have had three or four in this bed.

The simplicity makes me glad that I live in my small little suburban homestead as women homesteaders knew that efficiency was king and they valued function over fashion any day. While they might have been secretly envious of the wealthy socialite in the papers they seldom got their tired and worn hands on.

This would have been a modern convenience for the woman homesteader.

I admire these women and the spirit they had to venture out into the unknown whether they were striking out on their own, supporting the man they married, or were just relocated by family.  These women were strong, courageous, and resilient.

This would have been a very "Nice" butter churn possibly too nice for the tenant house it now resides in.

One of my favorite books and I re-read it recently is “Letters of a Woman Homesteader”  by Elinore Pruitt Stewart .  If you have not had a chance to read this book and you enjoy about the homesteading way of life this needs to be on your “MUST READ” list.  It is quite enjoyable and her resourcefulness and practically will not cease to amaze you.   She decided life as a laundress was not for her and she struck out to assist with a ranch in Wyoming and the trials she faces are truly fascinating and the hardships she faces are heartbreaking.  This book is FREE from Amazon for your Kindle… gotta’ love a great FREE read!

Interestingly this modern day farm girl's hutch looks very similar to this one and this summer I am going to be updating mine!

Have a great Sunday Everyone!


my siggie :)

If you liked this post you may enjoy the following related posts written by my fellow female homesteader friends and of course a few by me too 😉

I’m A Farm Girl At Heart

Up-Cycled Farm Pantry Reveal

Gardening For Survival The Colonists Knew How

Farm Girl Heidi Strikes Black Gold

Planning My Backyard Homestead

Dreaming of Our Farm

PS – Don’t forget to enter in our Celebration Giveaway from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co.!

This blog is linked up to the following wonderful blog hops:

The Morris Tribe – Homesteader Blog Carnival

Farm Girl Friday

10 thoughts on “Here’s To All Women Homesteaders

  1. What lovely photos. They tug at my heartstrings too, though I don’t have the wonderful imagination to describe it the way you do. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed this post. 🙂

      1. By the way, you’re the second person to suggest the free Kindle book. It’s on my kindle now, and I’m thinking I’ll get started soon!

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